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- Astral Travels: Techniques and Methods. -
" Astral Travel is made from the principles of humanity, the most religious cultures have done but for some reason have been distorted and at this time are almost unknown.
A spiritual journey is called detachment from the body, but simply a shift in consciousness from the physical body to the astral body. All we are unconscious when we sleep forever astral travel, called dreams.
In the astral plane, we recover vitality and strength, so it is much needed sleep. We let go of the body, we are connected by the silver cord, which is a thread that runs from the abdomen more or less, to the astral body. In the astral body, we travel at the speed of thought, which is the fastest there is. Therefore, if we think of being in a place we appear there, and if we think back, we are in the earthly body.
Astral travel can be aware, and not caused by us, which is when a sleeping person suddenly wakes up, stops thinking about being on the physical plane, and sees her body on the bed, but all that happened was awakened in the astral plane. Many times and many people spend this kind of astral travel, they can not control because they do not know it, so get nervous and scared, but it is more than just a spiritual journey that gave us naturally.
But there are techniques to create conscious astral travel.
Leaving everything we have identified and we can move to the place we had in mind. These experiences can learn to control the well, can be achieved only after a minimum period of 2 months of constant practice, but everyone is different. Anyone can do astral travel
The unconscious astral travel are those who call dreams, experiences that are not similar to earth places and so sometimes unfamiliar places or different things to dream land are even some people who dream of the future. On the earthly plane all objects have their astral bodies, so when traveling astral plane, we can find an identical astral world to land, so we can act on the astral plane and eventually give its effect on Earth .
The astral body is not something material or physical thing, just something of astral matter that can think like seeing a spirit or energy shaped like a person, where we can go. The astral body can keep improving and thus become a more advanced astral body to help us do more things on the astral plane as heal, influence certain things, etc.
- Features Astral Plane -
In the astral plane, we get to do what we think, do not need to walk to get to a place, just think we're already there. We can penetrate walls, finally you can get where you want and do whatever else you can imagine. We can, for example, visiting places we've never been, meet people or entities that do not know, have feelings in our physical plane we can never experience, etc ...
To achieve astral travel there are several very different techniques. Then show some where everyone can keep trying one that you like, or to provide more effective:
--> Visualization Technique
A good tactic for those who have the gift of remembering things and display them with the mind, is to imagine a place I know well, to imagine that place go through it just lack imagination. That is to be imagining a familiar place and must feel inside crossing it with the mind that must constantly make and will one day where we will actually traveling there, and when we get there, we can transport us to another place with only I think.
--> Technique Auto
Those who know how to program your mind can easily use this technique: the idea of this technique is to direct the mind consciousness moving somewhere, and have to wake up at that location. When you're about to sleep begins a countdown from No. 30 to 0 as slow to relax the mind. When you reach number 0 you must pronounce mentally: "my mind must keep and obey the following order." After this decision mentally pronounce the order: "Tonight effected, a conscious astral travel to X place while I sleep and will remember everything that happened to wake up." After repeated until needed: "That this order is fulfilled." After completing this program should fall asleep almost instantly, otherwise you have to keep repeating the command until we reach the dream.
--> Technical sleeping Watching
This technique consists of noting how you're sleeping, and it is easy for those who have a light sleep. It should be observed carefully and relaxed as the body goes sleeping, there will be a moment where you will be able to be out of his body at will. The body is not awake, but neither are asleep. The technique is to not fall asleep and wake up at the right time when we are neither awake nor asleep.
--> Imagination Technique
This technique is good for those who imagine easily, is to imagine the place you want to go, but we must do so relaxed, you will feel really there, you must walk, smell, hear, touch, feel, should be there with the imagination and when unless you realize you're actually there.
--> Technique after Awakening
This technique is good for those who wake up and can continue sleeping. After sleeping well and having awakened for the first time, you should keep your eyes closed and begin to imagine the place where you want to go, you must keep in mind that place and order our consciousness to move to that place. When you're in that place to sleep.
--> Mantra Technique Pharaoh
This technique is very good for those with good concentration. It must be lying uncrossed arms, legs, and eyes closed, and then begins to mentally repeat the mantra "pharaoh" synchronizing breathing as follows:
Delivering FA (mentally): inhale
Delivering RA (mentally): exhale
Delivering ON (mentally): inhale
And so on. If they start to move images in our minds we should ignore them. We begin to feel after a while a certain state of vibration and large deep relaxation, which will allow us to leave our body.
--> Technical Watcher
This technique is good for those who focus and imagine quickly. He should be lying on the bed, legs and arms uncrossed and with eyes closed, try to relax and breathe deeply relaxed. You can imagine that a foot is the astral body watching him, and tried to shift the consciousness to that body must feel it, have the prospect of that body, to feel with that body moving. After a period of practice will really be in that body.
--> Relaxation technique
This technique is good for those who can relax easily. It consists of lying uncrossed arms and legs, with eyes closed and relaxed.
For this technique to be most effective it must begin with breathing exercises, deep breath and count down from 20 to 0 to relax. And after finishing must think we're going to do very well in our spiritual journey and let's remember all returning.
You start forgetting all the body first putting all the attention on the tip of the big toe, then the upper, then ankle, then the calves and shins and so it relaxes part by the intently body, until the hair, which will decide as I know this particular place in the astral body and unknowingly already be out.
:: Recommendations ::
Before astral travel, it is recommended that a period of about 2 months do aerobics daily exercise, have a good low nutrition red meat, rest well, and try to ward off stress, it is also recommended not to smoke, or drink alcohol much less drugs. This is in order that the body is good finds what most practices facilitate astral travel. If one technique does not work, you can try another, and you can also mix the techniques together. Experience the more you work and make your own.
• Risks •
Many people say that astral travel is dangerous, the truth is that it does not run any danger in getting lost on the astral plane, as our astral body is connected to our physical body through the silver cord. By the time we want to return to our physical body we just have to think about it and come back without any problems automatically.
If you do not measure time, there is no risk, you can go back to the time that you want just by thinking about it and wanting it. Is no risk in doing astral travel, by contrast, can learn many new things.
One who can access this conscious astral there are libraries (called Akashic Records) and their knowledge will be awesome, too good vibrations there live the wise, those who know the secret of the universal mercury they are brothers the white lodge, ensuring the suffering humanity."
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