*REPORT 2009*
"The Mayan long count started on day 0 or, which was August 11 - 3113 astronomical count = =. You can see the Maya long count and its conversion to the Gregorian calendar. Now, some are given account than the account long not only had a 0 day, but also a year zero. Between August 11 to August 5 - 3113, - 3112 was year zero. of to 6 August - 3112 is
Now perhaps the calendar has begun to count from the year 1, not 0, as in the Gregorian calendar begins in 1 AD. You obviously do not have account from 0, but yes from 1. Therefore, can be considered this way... The 3rd millennium started on 01 January 2000 only if the Gregorian calendar began at 0, but do so, begins in 1 AD, which means that, technically, the start of the third millennium started on 01 January 2001.
Could this line of thinking being applied to the December 21, 2012? In essence, this could be as thinking that the 01 January 2000 was the beginning of the new millennium, when it was technically January 01, 2001 because the calendar began at 1. This means that if there was a year 0 in the long count = it seems that was the case = if the calendar did not begin to count to 0, but instead of the 1 year, then the Mayan long count calendar technically ends a year later or later a Tun = 360 days = December 21, 2012.
That date is December 16, 2013, which held the 13 Ahau.
Here is the proof of my research that the completion date actual Mayan calendar is technically the 16 of December 2013 = 13 Ahau = September. 13, 1619 = 1 Ahau = June 10, 1225 = 2 Ahau = 08 March, 831 = 3 Ahau = 03 December, 436 = 4 Ahau = August 31 42 = 5 Ahau = 28 de may de - 352 AC = 6 Ahau = February 23-746 BC = 7 Ahau = November 21-1141 BC = 8 Ahau = August 18-1535 BC = 9 Ahau = May 16-1929 AC = 10 Ahau = February 10 - 2323 BC = 11 Ahau = November 8-2718 aC = 12 Ahau = August 05 - 3112 aC = 13 Ahau = August 11, - 3113 aC = 4 Ahau = And so it can be seen that December 21, 2012 is January 1, 2000 and December 16, 2013 January 01, 2001. Popular culture has a misconception and is the new year 2000 was the beginning of the 21st century and of the Millennium new year, but in reality 2001 was the first year of these two distinctions. So, essentially the 16 of December 2013 make the start of a new beginning and not on December 21, 2012!. We have to jump that year zero. There is no year zero. Then, why these researchers of the Mayan calendar counted the year zero, which comes with the final date of December 21 or 23 of 2012? It makes no sense! How could they be so stupid to not have noticed this? All have been deceived in the as to what is the true and actual end date of the Mayan calendar.
This is the main reason why Calleman appointment date October 28, 2011, was due to that dropped the 13 Ahau. Calleman emphasizes that the 13 Ahau is so important that it is the reason why the 4 Ahau on December 21, 2012 cannot be the end date: another equally compelling reason why December 21, 2012 cannot be the true date of creation is the day 4 Ahau in the Tzolkin count, since the long count consists of exactly 7200 turns of the tzolkin then the true purpose of creation must fall on a day which is 13 Ahau in the Tzolkin count, the tzolkin rounds are level. If we want to know what is the actual date of completion of the cycles of creation, we find a day in around the year 2012, which is 13 Ahau in the Tzolkin count.
The inscriptions in Palenque, written about a thousand years after the long count was devised in Izapa, and they seem to indicate that the relevant date is 28 October 2011, which in fact is 13 Ahau in the Tzolkin count.
The answer to the mystery of the calendar has been found and there is only a date that will satisfy all the ancient calendars, =, and natural cycles =, except the Gregorian calendar which was not created until 1572. The Aztec calendar of Tonalphonualli = 260 = 13 x 20 =, the Haab calendar = 360 5 =, the Tzolkin calendar = 260 =, the Cherokee calendar = 260 =, the calendar of First Nations = 360 =, now, is in harmony with the 365/366 of the Gregorian calendar, calendar the Métis = 360 =, which is now in sync with 365/366 Gregorian calendar. Native American calendar = 360 =, which is now in tune with 365/366 Gregorian calendar. The old year calendar = 360 =, which operated in a full circle of 360 days = sunset, y, sunsets = and has a grade by day advancement aka precesional cycle, and it is the actual length of a real year, = 1 x 360 = 360 = a circle or Calendar round =. The Ahua 47 of 65 dates, Ahua sequence is December 21, 2012, the end of Macha = female = cycle - and, 22 Dec 2012 is the home of Pacha = male = and end 360 days later... 22 of December 2012-16 December 2013 is 360 days, the correct length of the old year. December 16, 2013 is the Ahua 65 in a cycle of 65 years, AND, 9.360.360 = 65 x 144, 000 cycles of 6 x 60 = 9.360.360, and / 9360000 360 = 26,000 years in the great cycle of 360/360 = 1 year. All the old calendars and old acquaintances you can calibrate successfully for this date.
There are also ancient calendars of the Cree, Ojibwa, Ojibway-Ojibwe, Blackfeet, Alconquin Ottawa, etc., which are also 260 days, and line up to Moon cycles. The current great cycle is the cycle of 12 first prize Macha and Pacha, which ends December 16, 2013 at sunset. Cycle 13 award of Inti Pacha begins December 17, 2013, out of the Sun, at the time of the full moon, which begins the cycle of winter in the old calendar still used by the first nation, Métis, native Americans from their new moon and the ceremony of full moon cycles used for a variety of purposes and, for reasons of their ceremonial practices. This is the calendar, which most people forgot to take into account, very probably due dates, replaced with the Gregorian calendar, although appearances again, and moon full occurring just in time. In addition, it is only in the Gregorian calendar there 24 hours in a day are, in the old calendar, the length of a day, changed daily, as well as the time of the rising of the Sun, and the sunset changes every day. The old calendar flows through six cycles of 60 or 360 days, whatever, provided that it will occur on the last full moon of December, which is called the cycle of winter. Six cycles are known as: winter, spring, go up, summer, autumn and freeze, and 6 cycles spaced at 60 days apart.
The great cycle of Inti Pasha does not begin until 17 December 2013 at dawn. This formula can be shown mathematically and scientifically through the full study, discovered by Susan Lynne Schwenger and Tony Bermanseder in May 2010. This is the correct answer, discovered in May 2010 however I discovered before them in the year 2009 in a completely different way, but with the same conclusion. never calendar for the end of the 4 Ahau or December 21 2012 made sense to me, and that intrigue emerged me with Ian Lungold and theories of Carl Calleman. 13 Ahau is the highest form of realization in regards to the Mayan calendar and when you combine that with the 13 baktun, gets the highest form of realization of the calendar, discovering all the Mayan cycle gears. Thus, on December 16, 2013 is the 13 Baktun and 13 Ajau. The strongest possible conclusion you can get. the Maya long count calendar does not end or ends its cycle of December 21, 2012 or December 23, 2012.
There are three gears in the Mayan calendar. The long count, the Haab and Tzolkin, all gears must be aligned and rooted and clearly do not on December 21 or 23, 2012, but the three gears of the calendar perfectly intertwine the 16 of December 2013.
The Vatican changed the calendar and the names of the months, and the number of days in each month. The old calendar was based on the moon which means that each month has 28 days and there were 13 months. So if you do the math, and every single month has 28 days then shouldn't be 13 months instead of 12. Making that calculation others arrived to the 15 of December 2013, date very close to the 16th of the same month and year. that theory would explain why Ophiuchus is now where is, this is the month number 13. How could these stupid researchers arrive to the Mayan calendar ended December 21? It is basic common logic, they used a 0 year in its calculations, which not is should have done!
* Quetzalcoatl * the Feathered Serpent, It is the name of an important Mesoamerican deity, whose origins go back to the city of Teotihuacan, and whose cult reached its maximum during the Postclassic period, when various cultures = Mayas, Toltecs, Aztecs and other organizations political in Central Mexico = exhibit evidence of cult to the figure of Quetzalcoatl is represented in many ways according to times and Mesoamerican cultures. He is represented in non-human form, such as a Feathered Serpent, with plumage along its body and head, as well as in his human form, especially among the Aztecs and the colonial Codex. In its human aspect, it is often depicted in dark with a red beak, symbol of Ehecatl, the God of the wind, and a shell cut like a pendant, a symbol of Venus.
Many pictures represent you with a feathered headdress and holding a coat of feathers.
The ISON Comet will pass near the Sun next year in turning to the 16 of December 2013, when the Sun is in the constellation of Ophiuchus, known as the * snake carrier *. It has been said that the Feathered Serpent is associated with comets. In addition, also the ancient sciences referred to a comet as * a star smoking *. Therefore we see Venus and, therefore to Quetzalcoatl quefueron, in fact, associated with comets. The other descriptions of Quetzalcoatl were that he came from the East, was bearded and wore a long tunic, with time it was and promised to return in the future. In Europe, the comets are often referred to as * bearded star * and modern astronomers also use the term * bearded *, in reference to the comets:... when the Comet is located to the East of the Sun, and passes him, is said to be beard, because light that precedes it in the manner of a beard. It was also common to describe comets and their long tails as * stars that wore long robes *. For example, in an engraving by Friedrick Madeweis of 1681 that documents the career of the Kirch Comet across the sky, which included a reference to the * long tunic final * of its tail. Often the images of beards and robes were combined as an elderly bearded man dressed in a tunic with long as a way of representing the comets. This seems to be the case of Quetzalcoatl. Similarly, the other elements of this myth, i.e. out of the East, leaving and returning in the future, are consistent with the interpretation of Quetzalcoatl as a comet. Quetzalcoatl is composed of two words: quetzal + Quetzal coatl refers to feathers and coatl refers to a serpent thus the traditional translation of Quetzalcoatl Feathered Serpent is."
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