Third time's the charm!
After mentioning this topic or concept on two earlier writings now it is the turn of the paradigms. (At least in the way I can understand this term unknown to me until recently)
In one of the previous post I included it in the title but this "section" I had to develop apart for avoid that article (on "The Mars Project") it wasn't as looooong .... (Because it was beginning to catch a novel size). So will be more brief.
I apologize if along any publications I can do, they are sometimes repetitive terms. Although it is not a coincidence that this happens because at the end, when one has changed their view of reality on how to interpret things, understands that in this "sub-world" of darkness everything is related.
I Try not writing to devote myself to fill voids and I do everything for to be direct and clear with ideas. .
So the issue ...
Paradigms are realities that each person have created in our daily actions. Comes supported, strengthened and defined basically by our profession and our habits.
The profession determines the programming mode to which the individual will be subjected and the type of ideas and references that will be ingrained and will be assimilated into that reality "apparent" or paradigm. With concepts that will be instilling in the human.
From that time people begins to be molded according to rules, fears, obligations and restrictions that progressing while the educational program is happening. Because this certainly begins to take shape from the primary level where children begin to assimilate learning and study modes. They develop thinking automation within the limits of a group of individuals, pooled among them find many more similarities in their lives, tastes and interests than they could have imagined at first.
Even if you see a poll by separating people into groups of similar work, find great coincidences between the lives and tastes of each member, part of the same profession or employment.
There are exceptions, but high percentages of correlation that you can be found between individuals of the same field, job or profession. Although there will always be slight variations for being us a unique and individual conscience.
The "programming" does not happen with 18 or 20 years old... It's something that we unknowingly we absorbing every day. From very small. It is an engine that starts from birth to Now. And though sometimes (with the pass of time) Let's change this "engine", there is always a "idling" of possibilities that we will encounter along the way to take the wheel of a new "vehicle" to lead bifurcated us down about the "road" that we had initially under our route designed in the "GPs".
It is from the school where "them" begin to try to curb the creativity of some children and are taught information in this educational system that has been demonstrated in view of the results being a ABSOLUTE FAILURE.
With philosophies and behaviors designed to create anxiety, insecurity and distrust. The subjects taught in secondary schools continue to maintain a reduced vision of the world around us and this reality that bears no resemblance to what we had or we faced 15 years ago.
The "problem" always existed, are many centuries working , but there are MANY people who unwittingly or knowing part of the truth, have already left this lie. Our likes and hobbies are another important things of individual paradigm that we have created, because that far from to responsibilities of the world, we search all those things that us like and giving an apparent pleasure.
In many cases it does not really become nothing more than that.. Pure appearance. Because that as time passes we abandoning those no longer provide this "touch of freshness" that before was good to ourselves. So our tastes evolve or hobbies. They have a television special importance with a complex system of suggestion will induce in us towards full banalities objectives and resources that ultimately do not provide what is necessary for the person to continue their evolution towards an area of real growth or development.
In very different ways, focusing the attention of people that is still shaping his personality, and at the end the fame and popularity are the desired objectives for majority. It's a trick often used by the system so that people with the potential to achieve that status, bring all their energy into it. And for those least able to achieve that goal, causes stupid comparisons and are depressed because are not as good as these other people who APPARENTLY shown to the world as real winners...
[When people know what some people have had to do to become famous, feel disgust towards of their idols of clay )
I think there is no worse poison that the fame today. People recognized by the public, not only have not a legitimate right to privacy, but it also are slaves to something they do not want, and that deep at nothing enriches their souls. It is a fictional glamorous reality where hide the fears and phobias of those people to whom the system has made prisoners.. In addition to turning them into mere products, they aim only to "recruit" the people.
Paradigms in life far propel us out of toward paths of true knowledge and create obstacles that slow the process further. Although I think that paradigms were created ESPECIALLY in order to fill the void in our spare time to avoid internal search.
At the end is a distraction.
Here I'll just try to explain and define some examples. This is not to criticize some more than others or ignore those that are not mentioned. Server as example a few of them so that each one can identify their own. To begin with individual mine (because it would not help if I do not accept that I'm also prey to them ...)
I can say that one of the major paradigms that have accompanied me in life was probably the Football. Not at insane way, but consuming a part of the time that maybe I could have used in other more productive things. Today I give due emphasis to what the sport means to me, understand that it is only a game, but I still enjoy as a child when i see or practice it. And this (SPORT) think it is still a problem that is affecting so many people today in disproportionate emotional levels, on priorities today that maybe we should have..
I'm not doing sport attack or criticize any particular specialty. Just trying to expose the level of global influence it has on people. Eventually the sport may be a minor power how PARADIGM to influences, because events have a final and is relatively easy look in another direction.
Because are the professionals who are most affected throughout their time in active. Since squeeze them much to leave no room for other important things. In each country there is a "Sport King" as they liked to baptize it "paradigm". Football in Europe, Basketball, Baseball and Rugby in America, volleyball, swimming, horse riding, gymnastics ... In order to prevent to them a life beyond that.
Not many can but there are exceptions. Sport in any discipline is extremely absorbent and fans declared as "Ultras" absorb larger amounts of concentrated emotions in this places and get out this energy with aggressive forms. That is a very dark world where no one should enter... These groups are usually misdirected, they saying and used support for his team to justify irrational acts.
The ultra movement has been created to take over the minds of each prisoner and focus on self-destructive philosophies. their lives are in a group of fish that eventually leave the aquarium when they understand the principles of these movements. It is a scam in which people fall driven by passions that generated a team sport. When these people leave such behavior experience more enjoyment are in the following match or events. They are no longer slaves to rules and "choreography" that do not go with them. Watch out in there. And if you are inside, find the deception and help others out of there.
Music is a paradigm within the HUGE world dictatorship installed years wearing in shadow and we are now beginning to accept the results, because came as a slap in the face.
Do you Think that global situation are pure chance? Believe that is not to be blind, but have no head. And music is an important part of the deep depression that exists between a very high percentage of the world population.. Music with depressing, negative and in many cases aggressive lyrics, undermine the morale of the people and induce through "scarecrow" more harmful behaviors every day. Not to mention the many artists that use symbolism to the masses in repeated gestures to the sound of his spells. And people think that it has no power or importance, but in reality it is not thereby.
This industry is one (in my opinion) of the most polluted, not only because people worshiped people who might have been beaten if they ever show their real voices in a simple karaoke ... But in most cases these people during his career (when they have already achieved fame) never sing. Anyway .. They maybe intend to save and preserve the voice vase to avoid damage ... But the years pass.
The film in the life of actors shows that not only is a powerful paradigm, but also absolutely absorbent with those who come to Hollywood. To levels that few could imagine. To achieve that and not give room for reflection about themselves, the agents and producers load events, jobs, auditions, interviews and trips to these people, puting at work most of their energies. There are those who have escaped the trap, but then have not had a chance to come back for the media.
Media ... Well say that television is the leader in creating continuous paradigms through "exquisite" Stupid Things where the spiritual content is absent. In fact we probably have not even heard the term. Television is a real dump where desires, hopes and aspirations of people who are not aware of the power of programming are forged. Constantly renew their products and occasionally put a documentary to give you the feeling that you teach something. All it does is hypnotize and idiotize people through that continuous trance for be completely loser to the perspective of our individuality. Programs tacky and poor quality. As with everything in life there are exceptions. But that's the general trend.
Religions are almost certainly the most powerful paradigm that "they" found that maintained and has been redesigned for thousands of years, with minor variations each time have been eliminating the knowledge of our union with the ALL.. Religions with its influence and control have mastered more people worldwide than any other paradigm has achieved and is unlikely to achieve. Fear of revolt against oppressive religions and churches, has always been into the believers controlled by fear of reprisals that GOD would take against those who do not obey the laws. Laws that have been proven DON'T WORK FOR NOTHING under the decree of GOD.
My particular view of religion will have to be treated apart, because I am in a good mood today and this is already a longish post ... Here are just some examples that can serve as the best reference for finding the different paradigms that are part of our life.
This are not all and will not be the last, but variants ...
-Good Night-
-In The Day-
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